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Minutes – December 2022

Minutes of the meeting of South Petherwin Parish Council held on Wednesday 21st December 2022, at 7pm, in the Methodist Chapel Hall, South Petherwin.

Present: Cllr P Parsons (Chairman), Cllr A Barham (Vice Chair), Cllr A Jasper, Cllr M Screech, Cllr J Butler.

In Attendance: Linda Coles, Parish Clerk.

There were three members of the public present.

1. Chairman’s Welcome.

Cllr Parsons welcomed all to the meeting.

2.  Apologies.

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr R Kneebone, Cllr A Finnimore, Cllr J Barlow, Cllr S Sleep and Cllr S Rogers. Cllr A Parsons (Cornwall Councillor) also sent apologies for absence.

3. Declarations of Interest.

  • Agenda Items. None declared.
  • Gifts. None declared.

4. Consideration of written requests for dispensation.

None received.

5. Unitary Councillors’ Report.

Cllr A Parsons was not at the meeting but had sent a report to the Clerk which will be circulated. Action: Clerk.

6. Public Participation.

A member of the public spoke about his planning application PA22/10235. The purpose of building the dwelling is to enable his son and his family to move back into the village. This will be for the long term and will not be sold off. There will be no other development on the site and the plot size is sufficient for a dwelling. The materials used to build it will blend in with the existing barns.

7. Response to public participation.

Not applicable.

8. Planning.

a) Planning applications received before the agenda was finalised:

PA22/10235, Trelinnoe, The Old Stable Road from Junction North West of Trelinnoe to Junction South East of Larrick, South Petherwin, Launceston, Cornwall. Outline application for one new dwelling with all matters reserved except for access. In consideration of the Applicant’s comments and following further short discussion it was RESOLVED to support this application, proposed by Cllr Barham, seconded by Cllr Jasper with all in favour.

b) Planning applications received after the agenda was published: None.

c) Planning decisions notified by Cornwall Council:

PA22/01928/PRE, Land west of Trecrogo Barn, South Petherwin. 5 day exception notice: Fell tree with severe honey fungus to roots, whole dead tree. – Closed-Advice given.

PA22/09498, The Old Stable, Trelinnoe, South Petherwin, PL15 7JT. Submission of details to discharge condition 4 in relation to decision notice PA20/08397 dated 27/11/2020. – S52/S106 and discharge of condition apps.

9. Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 9th November 2022.

It was RESOLVED that the Minutes for the meeting held on Wednesday 9th November be approved as a true record of that meeting. Proposed by Cllr Barham, seconded by Cllr Jasper with all in favour who had been present at the meeting.

10. Matters arising from the Minutes, not an agenda item.


11. Launceston Leisure Centre.

No update.

12. Telephone Kiosk.

It was reported that a Christmas tree has been put in the kiosk and it is looking lovely. Cllr Barham will thank the people that did this. Action: Cllr Barham

13. A30/B3257 Junction at Bodmin Moor Services (Plusha).

The Clerk read out an email exchange between Scott Mann MP and Cllr A Parsons in which Scott Mann is still insisting his preference would be for the closure of the junction. The Clerk will write again to all parties stating that this is not the preference of the Parish Council. Action: Clerk

14. Highway and Footpath Matters.

i. Daws House. Road Safety Audit was circulated. Members will look at this and bring comments back to the next meeting. The bollards at the top of Daws House have been taken out by a car driving straight into them, and Highways are aware.

ii. Resurfacing of School Hill Road. This road is much potted and badly needs resurfacing. The Clerk will write to Oliver Jones, Cormac. Action: Clerk

iii. Grit Bins. Refills requested.

iv.  Grass verges. Requested cutting of the verges at Tiny Meadows etc.

15. Correspondence.


16. Finance

a) Payments. It was RESOLVED to make the following payments, proposed by Cllr Butler, seconded by Cllr Jasper with all in favour:

  • Online – L Coles, Clerk’s salary etc. for November
  • Online – HMRC, PAYE for Clerk, November
  • Online – A Peerless, November toilet cleaning, plus materials – £56.00
  • Online – SLCC, ¼ Clerk’s annual subscription – £58.50

Receipts: None                  

b) Bank Reconciliations. It was RESOLVED that the bank reconciliations for November are correct, proposed by Cllr Barham, seconded by Cllr Jasper with all in favour. As at the 30th November 2022 the bank balances total £36,037.81.

c) Budget and Precept 2023/24. The Clerk had circulated the papers for discussion by the Members and a Business Meeting was held via Teams to air the details. It was RESOLVED to accept the budget and set the precept for 2023/24 at £10,000. Proposed by Cllr Butler, seconded by Cllr Barham with all in favour.

17. Any Other Business

The Clerk reported that an email has been received from the King’s Pageant Master and there will be no beacons lit for the Coronation.           

18. Items for Inclusion in Future Meetings.

  • Launceston Leisure Centre
  • Telephone Box
  • King’s Coronation
  • Coffee Mornings

19. Date and Time of next Meeting.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 11th February 2023 at 7pm in the Methodist Chapel Hall, South Petherwin.

Meeting closed at 19.27 hours.