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The Parish Magazine’s Commitment to Inclusion

The constitution of the South Petherwin Parish Magazine includes an aim to:

“Ensure the magazine is inclusive to all sections of the community, with neither bias nor prejudice to any group.”

As part of our commitment to this aim, we have voluntarily adopted the intention to ensure that our website complies with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard. This includes ensuring that the site remains clear, usable and easy to navigate when you:

  • change colours, contrast levels and font sizes or zoom in to increase the size of content, using settings and tools on your computer, in your web browser or on your mobile device
  • navigate the website using just a keyboard
  • navigate the website using speech recognition software
  • listen to the website using a screen reader

We’ve also made the website text as clear and direct as possible.

How accessible is this site?

This site has been built from the start with accessibility and modern web standards in mind. It was last audited against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 by Simon Hill at moorSITES (https://moorsites.com) on 19th October 2021 with the assistance of the following tools:

There are two minor areas for improvement that we have identified and that we will be continuing to address:

PDF documents

There are some PDF documents available to view or download on the site. Although we attempt to make these as accessible as possible, PDFs are inherently less accessible than HTML web pages. They may not be fully accessible to screen reader software and may be hard to read if zoomed in on or resized for small screens.

Bi-monthly editions of the Parish Magazine are intentionally offered as PDF downloads. The magazine is primarily a paper-format publication, and this allows users to download a version with the same layout and content as the paper magazine. However, key stories and information from the magazine are also regularly posted on this site as accessible HTML web pages, accessed via the homepage, Parish Magazine page and other news sections within the site.

Image titles and alternative descriptions

There are still a few images on older posts within the site, that are also links to other areas of the site, but that don’t have a name that is discernible to a screen reader.

Parish Council pages on this site

Some sections of this site belong to South Petherwin Parish Council which, as a Local Government body, is required to comply with the the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). Further details can be found in their separate Website Accessibility Statement.

Helping us to ensure that the site is accessible

We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website further. If you find difficulty accessing anything within the site, or have any insights or requests that might help us in our aim, please contact us.