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Flowerpot Festival – 24th to 31st August 2024

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South Petherwin Flowerpot Festival 2024

This parish event will be held 24th – 31st August 2024, which will be the last full week of the school holidays and will encompass the August Bank Holiday.  It will culminate in a Craft & Produce Show at the Village Hall on Saturday 31st.

The overall theme of the week is a flowerpot festival where organisations, families and individuals put out creative displays of flowerpots of any material (metal, clay, plastic).  These can be large or small, painted etc.

There will be small prizes from local businesses for the best ones, but most importantly it will be for fun and to bring the community together.  See Settle’s Flowerpot Festival for ideas: www.settleflowerpotfestival.col.uk

Clubs and organisations in the parish will hold events during the week and a timetable of events will be available nearer the time. 

The Craft & Produce Show schedule will be available shortly.

Please contact Alison on 01566 777561 or 07826 061932 or email alisonbarham21@gmail.com

Some ideas for flowerpot creations….