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Five Things to Try on Our New Site

South Petherwin Parish Magazine are delighted to introduce the new South Petherwin website.

Here are five things you could try while you explore …

Follow News and Events

The site features all of the latest news and upcoming events in and around South Petherwin.

So that you never miss out on what’s going on, sign up to receive notifications of new posts on the site by email

After signing up, check your email inbox to confirm your subscription.

Try it on Your Phone

The new site is designed for ease of use on phone and tablet touch screens.

Add it to the home screen on your Android or iOS device for instant access to your own South Petherwin web app.

Read the Parish Magazine

Each new edition of the Parish Magazine will be immediately available on the site.

Back issues can also be explored and downloaded, and if you would like to contribute stories or other items, contact the editor …

Follow the Parish Council

Stay up to date with the latest news from the Parish Council

The site includes details of meetings, information and how to contact the council, together with all publicly available council records.

Explore Parish History

The site contains a vast wealth of local history and historical records, expertly compiled by Roger Pyke.

Read stories of local events and celebrated characters, find out more about buildings and locations in the parish and find family information from official records …

Finally, everything that appears on this site can be instantly shared to social media accounts.

You could use the buttons below to share this one now …