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Minutes – October 2022

Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of South Petherwin Parish Council held on Wednesday 12th October 2022, at 7pm, in South Petherwin Village Hall.

Present: Cllr P Parsons (Chairman), Cllr A Barham (Vice Chair), Cllr J Barlow, Cllr A Finnimore, Cllr Jasper and Cllr S Sleep.

In Attendance: Linda Coles, Parish Clerk and Cllr A Parsons, Cornwall Councillor.

There were eleven members of the public present.

1 Chairman’s welcome

Cllr P Parsons welcomed all to the meeting.

2 Apologies

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr R Kneebone, Cllr J Butler, Cllr S Rogers and Cllr M Screech

3 Declarations of Interest

a) Agenda Items. None declared.
b) Gifts. None declared.

4 Consideration of written requests for dispensation

None received.

5 Casual Vacancy

A request to be considered for the vacancy on the Council had been received from Sam Sleep. Sam gave a brief resume of his background and his reasons for wanting to become a South Petherwin Parish Councillor. Following consideration it was RESOLVED to accept Sam Sleep as a councillor, proposed by Cllr Barham, seconded by Cllr Barlow with all in favour. Sam signed an Acceptance of Office, witnessed by the Clerk, and took his place at the table.

6 Unitary Councillor’s Report

There is currently a Community Network Area review. These are cost saving measures and it is likely that Launceston will merge with Caradon. The proposals are to be consulted on.
The Chancellor has issued a growth and investment plan for the country.
Cornwall Airport, Newquay, Falmouth Docks and Langarth have been identified as areas for investment.
There is an opportunity to move to the next tier of governance but it means that an elected Mayor will be needed for Cornwall.
The White Paper is being brought back and planning may not need the scrutiny that it has at present.
There was a full Council meeting last week and the Deputy Leader announced a £62m black hole in the budget for next year.
Buses – In September the Callywith bus service had its collection points changed, it is often overcrowded and not running to time. The 76 bus service from Launceston to Bodmin has been lost and this puts extra pressure on the service to Callywith.
Cornwall Aviation Centre has been cut. There are plans to relocate Cornwall Fire and Rescue Centre. The IT is not up to scratch and needs updating.
The Shared Prosperity Fund is open but has quite a broad remit.
There is no update on the Road Safety Audit for Daws House.
There is no news on Launceston Leisure Centre.
A member of the public asked about warm spaces in libraries. Cllr A Parsons said that £5m is being invested in a new library and that it can give small grants for places offering a warm space.

7 Public Participation

A member of the public spoke about PA22/08258, she is concerned about the environmental impact, wildlife, and safety of the road and conservation issues. Clarification is needed on the access.
Another member of the public said that most of the land around is agricultural and rated medium to good and why is this land being used for building.
The Applicant for PA22/08258 said that she wanted to provide Eco homes for her family and help them to have somewhere local to live.
A member of the public said that the Parish Council had allocated £15k for speed projects and asked what plans there are to spend this money.
Another said that the highways issues had gone on for 15 years and asked about a flashing speed sign like the one at Tregadillet.
Another member of the public said that the WI Hall is looking very smart but the village Pump has still not been repaired. Cllr Jasper will ask her husband to take a look at it.
Finally, Cllr P Parsons thanked all those that took part in the recent Jubilee and National events.

8 Response to Public Participation

Not applicable.

9 Planning

a) Planning applications received before the agenda was finalised:
PA22/08258, Land Adjacent to Trelinnoe Close, south Petherwin, Launceston, Cornwall. Application for Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved for the construction of 5 no. dwellings namely; access only. It was RESOLVED to support this application on the proviso that the Ecology Assessment is acceptable to the Local Planning Authority and subject to the following considerations:

  1. The Parish Council would not like to see the development increase higher than the five dwellings that this outline application is for.
  2. The Parish Council would like to see the provision of a footpath inside the hedge so that pedestrians do not have to walk on the road.
  3. The Parish Council would like to see a provision made for green space.
  4. The Parish Council would like there to be access by the Public Toilets.
    Proposed by Cllr Barlow, seconded by Cllr Jasper with all in favour.
    PA22/08120, West Tregillis Farm House, West Tregillis Farm, South Petherwin, Launceston. Listed Building Consent for the repair and alterations of the existing building, including new wall linings and insulation, new floor construction and finishes, new ceilings and new staircase. Additional external works including infilling missing stonework, replacement windows and doors, rehanging original slate, new bird boxes, new external lighting and opening for boiler flue and vents for ventilation extracts. Discussion followed during which it was said that it makes sense to repair this Listed Building. RESOLVED to support proposed by Cllr Finnimore, seconded by Cllr Barham with all in favour.
    b) Planning applications received after the agenda was published: None.
    c) Planning decisions notified by Cornwall Council:
    PA22/05271, Tresmarrow House, Road from Trebursye Cottage to Tresmarrow, Trebursye, Launceston. Change of use from office and training centre to residential house. – Approved.
    PA22/07030, Pentreve, B3254 between Slate Quarry Hill and Tiny Meadows, South Petherwin, Launceston, PL15 7JA. Non-material amendment in relation to decision notice PA21/07222 dated 07/09/21 – for general reduction in scale of ground floor extension to existing dwelling. – Approved.

d) Other Planning Matters. None

10 Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 24th August 2022

It was RESOLVED that the Minutes for the Extraordinary meeting held on Wednesday 24th August be approved as a true record of that meeting. Proposed by Cllr Barham, seconded by Cllr Finnimore with all in favour who had been present at the meeting.

11 Matters Arising from the above Minutes

None brought forward.

12 Operation London Bridge

It was RESOLVED to have the Book of Condolence for HM Queen Elizabeth II professionally bound. Proposed by Cllr Barham, proposed by Cllr Barlow with all in favour.

13 Policies

a) Financial Regulations and b) Financial Risk Assessment. It was RESOLVED to adopt both of the reviewed policies as circulated, proposed by Cllr Finnimore, seconded by Cllr Barlow with all in favour.

14 Launceston Forest

No update

15 CPR Training

It was reported that the St John Ambulance would charge £600 for CPR training. The Members are still looking at alternative providers.

16 Dog Bins and Notice Boards

The bin has been purchased from Glasdon UK Ltd. There was some discussion about the Notice Boards. A Parish Council Notice Board sign is required.

17 A30/B3257 Junction at Bodmin Services (Plusha)

No further update.

18 Highway and Footpath matters

i. Daws House. Feedback on new traffic calming scheme. Meeting with Oliver Jones, Highways. Tregaller is still a blind junction despite the vegetation being cut back. The Road Safety Audit is still awaited.
ii. South Petherwin School CNP Scheme. The flashing sign has been installed.
iii. Adoption of footpath between Trelinnoe Close and Trelinnoe Gardens. Cornwall Council Highways has given permission for the Parish Council to maintain the small piece of footpath under its jurisdiction. The rest of the path is unadopted. It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council will maintain this stretch as well. Proposed by Cllr Barham, seconded by Cllr Jasper with all in favour.
iv. Footpath from B3254 to Tiny Meadows. The Clerk will contact Cornwall Council about this footpath.

19 Correspondence

a) Letter from Coronation Park Trust re Launceston Leisure Centre. Cllr Parsons will meet with them to get more information.
b) Cornwall Council draft policy Statement of Principles under Gambling Act 2005. Noted
c) Letter of reply from Scott Mann’s office regarding Levelling Up funding. Noted
d) Launceston Community Network Area – Social Media feeds for sustainable warmth. Noted
e) Email regarding relocation of Critical Control Centre, Cornwall Fire and Rescue. The Clerk will write a letter in support of the Centre remaining in Cornwall.

20 Finance

a) Payments. It was RESOLVED to make the following payments, proposed by Cllr Barlow, seconded by Cllr Finnimore, four votes for. Cllr P Parsons and Cllr Barham abstained from voting because they each had an interest in a payment.

  • Online – L Coles, Clerk’s salary etc. for August
  • Online – HMRC, PAYE for Clerk, August
  • Online – A Peerless, August toilet cleaning – £56.00
  • Online – South Petherwin Village Hall, hire of hall for August meeting – £12.00
  • Online – P Parsons, reimbursement for party packs for Jubilee – £63.82
  • Online – L Coles, September salary, office and expenses
  • Online – HMRC, PAYE for Clerk, September
  • Online – A Peerless, September toilet cleaning – £56.00
  • Online – J Barlow, expenditure re King’s Proclamation – £12.25
  • Online – Parish Magazine Printing, King’s Proclamation – £44.62
  • Online – Glasdon UK Ltd, purchase of new dog/waste bin – £674.73
  • Online – EDF Energy, electricity bill for toilets – £28.42

Receipts: HMRC VAT Reclaim 2021/22 – £522.91
Cornwall Council Precept – £4400.00
Cornwall Council CTS Grant – £24.83

b) Bank Reconciliations. It was RESOLVED that the bank reconciliations for August and September are correct, proposed by Cllr Barham, seconded by Cllr Finnimore with all in favour. As at the 30th September 2022 the bank balances total £38,869.64

21 Any Other Business

Trees are obliterating Tiny Meadows Lane. The Clerk will report.
Cllr Barlow gave an update on the graffiti and vandalism. The Police have investigated and have visited the perpetrators. They have also visited the local schools and spoken about criminal damage and having respect for other peoples’ property.
Cllr Barham will confirm the details of who insures the defibrillator and the Clerk will add it to the Asset Register. Cllr Barham will ask Sue Vernon to carry out the service checks.
South Petherwin School has taken over the Pre-School. Cllr Sleep said that school traffic is a problem. The Clerk will organise a meeting with Oliver Jones, Highways regarding making the verge into a lay-by.
Abattoir smells – Environmental Health needs to be contacted, but a diary is being kept of the dates and times when the smells are at their worst.

22 Items for inclusion in future meetings

  • Resurfacing School Hill Road

23 Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 9th November 2022 at 7pm in the Methodist Hall, South Petherwin.

There being no further business to transact the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.35 hrs.

Signed……………………………………………Chairman Dated…………………………………………….