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Minutes – June 2022

Minutes of the meeting of South Petherwin Parish Council held on Wednesday 8th June 2022, at 7pm, in South Petherwin Village Hall.

Present: Cllr P Parsons (Chairman), Cllr A Barham (Vice Chair), Cllr M Screech, Cllr A Jasper, Cllr J Butler and Cllr J Barlow

In Attendance: Linda Coles, Parish Clerk and Cllr A Parsons, Cornwall Councillor.

There was one member of the public present.

Item 1. Chairman’s Welcome. The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.

Item 2. Apologies: Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Rogers, Cllr Finnimore and Cllr Kneebone.

Item 3. Declarations of Interest.

  • Agenda Items. None declared.
  • Gifts. None declared.

Item 4. Consideration of written requests for Dispensation. None received.

Item 5. Annual Governance Statement and Internal Audit Report 2021/22.

The Clerk had circulated these documents to the Members and it was RESOLVED that the Annual Governance Statement be signed, having no issues. Proposed by Cllr Jasper, seconded by Cllr Barlow with all in favour.

The Internal Auditor Report was received and no issues were raised by the Auditor.

The dates for the Notice of the Exercise of Public Rights will be published on Thursday 9th June 2022 and the period will commence on Monday 13th June until Friday 22nd July 2022.

Item 6. Unitary Councillor’s Report

Cllr A Parsons said that South Petherwin was one of the stand out performers for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. The events were well attended and feedback was very positive and the whole village was involved.

At Cornwall Council housing is still a major issue with 1500 people in temporary accommodation in Cornwall

The Day Centre in Launceston is now closed. It remains that decisions are being made by the Cabinet. There is a consultation out at the moment for Cornwall Councillors to put forward proposals for the Network Panels.

There is no update on Launceston Leisure Centre.

The Administration has said that it will make sure that Outdoor Education Centres are passed on to other providers but have now put the centres up for sale on the open market. On a positive note Cornwall Council has helped with the resettlement of Ukrainian Refugees in the County.

Item 7. Public Participation.

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events went extremely well. The Beacon and the spectacular fireworks were enjoyed by many. All of the Jubilee events were very well attended, particularly the Cream Teas, which raised donations of £246.46 for the Queen’s charities. The village Pump was vandalised over the weekend and in the early hours of Monday Morning the bunting on the bus shelter was ripped down, the Notice Board was broken into and the papers were ripped up and strewn across the road. It was agreed that the Clerk will ask Andrew Hoskins to carry out the repairs to the Pump. ACTION: CLERK

Item 8. Response to Public Participation. Not applicable.

Item 9. Planning.

  • Planning applications received before the agenda was finalised:
  • Councillor A Jasper declared an interest in PA22/04384 and left the room.
  • PA22/04384, Howldrevel, Linnick Road from Lanlake Cross to Brockle Ford, South Petherwin, Launceston, Cornwall. Proposed two storey extension. There was some discussion following which it was RESOLVED to support this application, proposed by Cllr Barham, seconded by Cllr Barlow with all in favour.
  • PA22/03906, Land South of DB Self Storage, Pennygillam Way, Pennygillam Industrial Estate, Launceston. Construction of building containing 8 units for Class B8 use. There was some discussion following which it was RESOLVED to support this application, proposed by Cllr Barham, seconded by Cllr Screech with all in favour.
  • Cllr Jasper returned to the meeting.
  • Planning applications received after the agenda was published: None.
  • Planning decisions notified by Cornwall Council: None received.
  • Other Planning Matters. None

Item 10. Minutes of the following meetings to be approved and signed:

  1. Annual Parish Meeting held on Wednesday 4th May 2022
  2. Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 11th May 2022
  3. Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 11th May 2022

It was RESOLVED that the above Minutes are a true record of those meetings. Proposed by Cllr Jasper, seconded by Cllr Barham with all in favour who had been present at the meetings.

Item 11. Matters Arising from the above Minutes.

Annual Parish Council Meeting – it was RESOLVED to ratify Cllr Screech as a representative on the South Petherwin Community Trust, proposed by Cllr P Parsons, seconded by Cllr Jasper with all in favour.

Item 12. Launceston Forest. No update.

Item 13. CPR Training. The Parish Council is looking at an Autumn Event, possibly with the South West Ambulance Trust. It was agreed to get some costings and apply for funding for this.

Item 14. Dog Bins and Notice Boards.

The Clerk has sent another email to Biffa regarding a bin and contract for emptying it but is no further forward. Cllr Barlow suggested that the Clerk contacts Lucy Tomlinson at BIFFA, Bodmin. ACTION: CLERK

Cllr Barlow has painted the South Petherwin sign beneath the Notice Board and will paint the board as well..

Item 15. A30/B3257 Junction at Bodmin Moor Services (Plusha)

Cllr P Parsons has yet to further a photo opportunity with the Chairmen of the local Parish Councils.

The Clerk has written to Scott Mann, MP,  for an assurance that funding for a Grade Separation Junction at Plusha will be included as part of the  levelling up funding that has come to Cornwall but has received no reply to date. ACTION: CLERK

Item 16. Highway and Footpath Matters.

  • Daws House. The Clerk has arranged a meeting with Oliver Jones, Highways, at the site on Monday 11th July at 10.00am. The Clerk will collate the feedback received on the scheme to be at hand for the meeting. There was some discussion about the scheme. ACTION: CLERK
  • A Parishioner has reported that the footpath at Tiny Meadows is overgrown. The Clerk will report this. The Clerk has already reported the overgrown splays at the entrance to Tiny Meadows and asked Highways to look at all of the splays in the village. ACTION: CLERK

Item 17. Correspondence.

  • South Petherwin School CNP. The closing date for comments is the 13th June. Cllr Barlow said that double yellow lines are needed to stop people parking.

Item 18. Finance

  • Payments. It was RESOLVED to make the following payments, proposed by Cllr Barham, seconded by Cllr Butler with all in favour:
  • Online – L Coles, Clerk’s salary etc. for May
  • Online – HMRC, PAYE for Clerk, May
  • Online – A Peerless, May toilet cleaning, plus materials – £86.09
  • Online – Party Packs, invoice for Queen’s Jubilee flags, bunting etc.  – £184.20
  • Online – South West Bouncy Castles – £335.00
  • Online – Celebration Pyrotechnics, fireworks for event – £1900+VAT
  • Online – S P Methodist Church hire of hall for meetings 2016-2022 – £707.00
  • Online – Sofias Attik UK, Chocolate coins for Queen’s Jubilee – £55.99
  • Online – Amazon UK, solar lights for Trelinnoe Close footpath – £21.99
  • Online – J Barlow, decorations and food for Queen’s Jubilee – £88.50
  • Online – J A M Sanders, footpath cutting – £165.00
  • Online  – S P Village Hall, hire of hall in May for meetings – £36.00
  • Online – CL Finance Associates, Annual Internal Audit – £192.00

Receipts: None

  • Bank Reconciliations. It was RESOLVED that the bank reconciliations for May are correct, proposed by Cllr Barham, seconded by Cllr Jasper with all in favour. As at the 31st May 2022 the bank balances total £39,460.85.
  • Annual Accounting Statement (AGAR 2021/22). It was RESOLVED to approve the Annual Accounting Statement and the Chairman signed it. Proposed by Cllr Barham, seconded by Cllr Screech with all in favour.
  • Remembrance Day Crosses. It was RESOLVED that crosses will be purchased for Remembrance Day as will two wreaths, proposed by Cllr Barham, seconded by Cllr Parsons with all in favour. The Clerk will get prices from the RBL. ACTION: CLERK
  • It was RESOLVED to sign the direct debit form for the annual ICO fee, proposed by Cllr Barlow, seconded by Cllr Barham with all in favour.
  • It was reported that £246.46 was donated at the Queen’s Jubilee Cream Tea and this will be sent to the Queen’s Charities.

Item 19. Any Other Business

Cllr Barham spoke about the fibre optic broadband situation in rural areas. Cllr A Parsons will send her details of gigabit vouchers.

A letter of thanks to all those who helped at the Jubilee events will be put on the website page.

Item 20. Items for inclusion in future meetings

None brought forward

Item 21. Date of next meeting. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 13th July 2022 at 7pm in South Petherwin Village Hall.

There being no further business to transact the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.40 hrs.